Reviewing Applications and Conducting Interviews

What’s the recruiting process? After you’ve created a requisition (see appropriate manager guide instructions), then you will see applications coming in for the position in Paycom.

Making quick and reasonable choices and not mulling over applications too long is a key skill of recruiting.

This page will tell you our process, and will provide tips. You CAN hire better candidates by following them. Hiring right is one of your most important leader functions.

Reviewing Applications in Paycom


1. Log into Paycom.

2. Go to the Recruiter Dashboard (Applicant Tracking > Recruiter Dashboard).

3. Use your widgets. You can EITHER:

  1. Go to the Open Requisitions widget. Click on the blue link (# of Applications)
  2. OR, go to the Recruitment Process widget. Click on the blue link (# of Applications) in Recruiter Review Stage.

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Note: If there are multiple of the SAME job, only one job will receive applicants (and be posted on Indeed).

Are you unable to view a job requisition? Clear your filters, or click Actions (top right) > View All.

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4. Click LAST APPLICANT NAME in list to see applicant’s profile > View Resume.

5. Review resume.

6. Once done, close out of the resume and immediately categorize as NO or MAYBE.

  • To select NO: Go to Application Actions (top right). Select Reject and a disposition.
  • To select MAYBE: Using the stars in the top right, grade the application (1 = probably not, 2 = good, 3 = definitely).

Phone Interviews in Paycom


1. Filter your applicant list to the ones you rated 3 stars.

2. Call your 3-star applicants first. If you exhaust that list, then move onto 2 or 1 star candidates.

  1. If you will not hire the applicant: Go to Application Actions (top right, green button): Select REJECT and select a disposition (skip message).


If the applicant is moving forward in the hiring process:

3. On Availability and Tasks tab, click Complete button, then Send to Next Step.
4. In the “Hiring Manager Review” step, click Schedule to set up an in-person interview. These invites go to the candidate and Hiring Manager through Outlook. Make sure you include:

  1. Directions to Arbor Acres Welcome Center
  2. Directions to the interview location on campus
  3. Name of the person conducting the interview

Avoiding Bias in Interviews


A 2003 study demonstrated that if an employer is given IDENTICAL resumes, a candidate with an African American name will have to send out 50% more resumes to get the same number of calls than a candidate with a traditionally White name.

It’s important to know that bias is usually unintentional. When you are in the hiring phase, employers tend to have higher stress levels. This can cause hiring entities to fall back heavily on stereotypes or fears that you don’t even know you have.

To avoid bias:

  • Focus only on job-related questions (education, tenure at past jobs, and experience).
  • Ask each candidate the same set of questions. This also helps you compare interviews more easily.
  • Write down notes during the interview so that you are not only relying on a ‘gut’ feeling when reflecting on the interview.

Interview Sheets

(phone & in-person)


Email Talent Arts at to request additional interview sheets for your department.

Tips for Phone Interviews



  • DO ask about money first. You don’t want to learn a candidate’s unrealistic expectations 20 minutes into an interview.
  • You may ask what pay the candidate is looking for, and see what they say; however, many candidates will just say: “I’m open.” Often a better question is:.
  • DO say: “Our job will pay in the range or X based on experience. What kind of pay are you looking for?” If they are way off, encourage them to move on to other opportunities.



  • DO ask about schedule second. Inquire what the candidate’s preferred schedule is.
  • DON’T share the position’s schedule up-front. Candidates will always say “yes” to the job schedule, but that doesn’t mean they want to work it or will do so long-term.

Tips for In-Person Interviews


First Impressions Matter!

YOU (the interviewer) are Arbor Acres’ ambassador. Candidates should leave an Arbor Acres interview telling people about the great interview experience they had, even if they don’t move on to the next step.

  • DO give the candidate directions to Arbor Acres’ Welcome Center, and the interview location on campus.
  • DO give the candidate the name of the person who will be interviewing them.
  • DO shake the candidate’s hand confidently and greet them with a smile.
  • DO chat a little with the candidate and make them comfortable.



  • DO use behavioral questions in all your interviews. Please contact Talent Arts for assistance in this area.
  • DO ask why they left their previous position. This will reveal much about a candidate’s work habits.
  • DO look for the CAR method in a candidate’s responses. CAR = Context, Action, and Result. This is how candidates should respond to a situational question, such as, “How did you address a challenge in your previous position?”


After the Interview

  • DON’T tell them what you are looking for until AFTER you are done asking your questions. This helps generate honest answers.
  • DON’T prolong the interview if you decide they are not a fit. No sense in wasting your time, or theirs.
  • DON’T conclude the interview rudely. Regardless of if the candidate is a fit, you should never make them feel as if it was wasted time.
  • AFTER the interview (if you like them), provide them a brief summary of the job and include the things that often people DON’T like about the job. Some people may drop out and that is OK.
  • Leave them feeling good about you and Arbor Acres – Come up with a short sales pitch about you/the company/the job.
Schedule a Visit
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